Friday, March 21, 2008

A start .... getting local

So getting started with being local..... alot of it starts with getting to know your community, talking to the right people who have connections, and of course, the INTERNET! Once I started looking, and talking- I realized that the local movement is like and underground movement. Once you are 'in', you have access to so many resources and contacts! I learned about food co-ops and food pick-up locations for local farmers - all TOTALLY new to me. One resource that helped my understand the variety of options in my county was through the Loudoun County Committee for a Sustainable Society (LCCSS), they publish a Food Resources guide. In this they outlined all the Farmer's Markets, CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), Farms, Stores, Co-ops, Resources and Restaurants in my county. This was a great start to start shopping and asking these folks questions. This capture of the site is small, but the site is

So if you are curious about what you can get locally- start with the internet and you would be amazed at what you find!