- Second Spring Farm (http://www.secondspringfarm.com/) is growing cold weather veggies and offering weekly pickups. The Pok Choi , Kale, and Tatsoi have been so delicious .... My hat goes off to David for attempting this feat! (pic is of some Hakurai turnips and Pok Choi that I purchased from SSF)
- Moutoux Orchards (http://www.moutouxorchards.com/) has organized a CSA from December to March in which Rob has coordinated with local farmers for a monthly pickup of: 4 dozen eggs, mixed beef, chicken, and lamb assortment, 1 peck apples, 16 lbs vegetables, and unlimited freshly ground whole wheat flower or wheat berries. I have had two pickups and it is so awesome to see so many people coming to get healthy local food.
This year I am attempting to be abit more local in my eating habits by growing some veggies in my own coldframe. Thus far it is pretty awesome -- even though Virginia is having one of its coldest and snowiest winters ever! (below is a pic of my newly built coldframe) So being local in the winter means to me:
Not eating as much fruit or a variety of fresh vegetables
- Enjoying the produce I have preserved which is mostly fruit and tomaotes
- Enjoying local meat from the cow and hog I purchased in the warm months
- Figuring out how I can have a root cellar so I can preserve MORE!
So be CREATIVE, ask around, see what others are doing- and you may find that your local food gap is shrinking too!
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