Sunday, October 18, 2009

Intersting Food Numbers....WE CAN DO BETTER!

So I read this article on Kitchen Garden International, and I thought it was very interesting!  Full article available here: Check out these numbers. In the full article they actually have their sources for these numbers so that apparently they didn't just make them up. 
      • 1: number of new kitchen gardens planted at the White House this year
      • 1943: the last time food was grown at the White House White House
      • 20 million: the number of new gardens planted in 1943
      • 40%: percentage of nation's produce coming from gardens in 1943
      • 7 million: estimated number of new food gardens planted in the US in 2009
      • $2000: amount of savings possible per year from a 40' x 40' garden
      • 90%: percentage of fruit/vegetable varieties lost in the US the last 100 years
      • 3500: number of vegetable varieties owned by Monsanto Monsanto
      • 18,467: number of new small farms counted in the last agricultural census USDA
      • 4,685: number of farmers markets nationwide USDA
      • 4,100: number of Wal-mart stores and clubs in the US
      • (see article for full listing of figures)
      • 1: number of people needed to make a positive difference in any of the above: you!
So the very basic point in all of this is, wouldn't it be nice if everyone did abit of growing their own food?!  Our bodies health, and the planet's health are all tied together and if we pay attention to one we in turn impact the other.  So go ahead and grow some herbs, toss some lettuce seeds in those containers or turn that lawn into a food factory - you will be happy that you did.